Via Maestra was born 15 years ago from an enlightenment.

15 years of very intense work.

A Work linked to continuous experiences, intersections of lives and consciousnesses that allowed us to grow and consolidate the awareness we have to share this message today. 

The idea is to give the opportunity and to help as many people as possible, among those who deserve to reach their own enlightenment. 

Although it may seem incredible, enlightenment is not a difficult  goal as it has always been made to appear: it is a point of arrival on a path that if followed without omitting any of the intermediate steps, will open the seventh chakra in order to receive the enlightenment. People wait and aim for enlightenment without walking the whole path.

In the last 15 years, we have guided thousands of people around the World towards the Light. 

Those people are now helping many others to follow the same way creating never ending connections in order to generate an effective  spiritual impact in this World.

Our goal is to be able to open centres around the World where we can welcome and teach this revolutionary method to reach awareness and enlightenment.