Read through the details below to see if this is EXACTLY the awakening path you are looking for. 

The process unfolds through three levels where you will be constantly  guided and supported. 

The levels will lead you to different stages of awareness which are individual to you: you are free to decide whether you are content with your newly found balance or you want to step into the next level.

First Level - Free the mind

Everything starts with a deep and focused introspection: you start looking for the triggering roots of your problems. Once identified, with the use of different techniques, we proceed to remove fears, insecurities, anxieties, worries and negative thoughts until you get to a free state of mind. One of the important milestones you will reach is the balancing of the chakras, at least the main ones, moreover the reactivation of the Kundalini. During the study we found that those who stick to the method start showing visible improvement on a physical level too. This level is very personal and subjective, everyone will be closely guided with constant advice and help: confrontation, sharing and full support are at the core of this initial level where self belief and a little courage are required.

Second Level - Manage Karma and energy

After having completed the purification process, it is time to free yourself from traumas and useless weights by increasing your energy. Karma has a great influence in our lives, so it's now time to learn how to manage it with KarmaLevelYoga. This level is best performed in a group lead by your designated guide. Important goal of this phase is to get to understand yourself on a deeper level and learn to distinguish what comes from your inner space and what comes from the outer space. It is a very important level that leads you to a higher awareness of your being by helping you to better understand others. Via Maestra organises mainly online group seminars also offering you the opportunity to start this experience in one of our retreats located around the World.

Third Level - What surrounds us? A journey through dimensions

Here you are again. After having understood yourself, you only have to find out what surrounds you, in this case you have to look at things with another point of view (with another eye, the Third eye) and this is the only way you can discover the meaning of the reality which was always around you but you could never notice and understand. Thus began the mystical journey where you learn to decipher all the signs that come to us every day to show us the way; you will immerse yourself in a dimension in which all things take on a different meaning and importance but on the other hand become even more meaningful. You are now playing according to your own predefined role; this is what happiness is. You can choose how much you want to play and when to return. By doing this you have also achieved FREEDOM.

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