Write The List

To start this path it is necessary to start writing down a List. 

We start with a deep introspection to get the best result.

Take a blank sheet of paper and list down the names of all the people in your life starting with the most relevant ones and then all the others.

Save some space between one name and the next one.

Next to each name, you will draw three lines.

Next to the first line you have to write down all the things for which you felt guilty, sorry or remorse towards that person ( recommendation: list down the episodes, it doesn’t matter if you don’t feel guilty nowadays, if you felt guilt, sorry or in remorse 10 years ago and only for a second you have to write it down, be true to yourself)

Next to the second line you have to list all the times that person MADE YOU feel guilty, sorry or in remorse ( normally this line has got the names of ex-boyfriends, parents, relatives, teachers, and employers)

Next to the third line, you will write down all the things you think about that person but hold inside without telling them ( we often do this to avoid offending people we love, or because of our education).

Once the list is done you can join the WhatsApp group and receive all the info to jump into the Zoom calls where we will explain how to process the list.

Remember that once you process it,

The list must go to the bin.