One of the main obstacles we have encountered in helping others to follow the Via Maestra after the first level are related to fear and abandonment of the comfort zone. We know that if you follow the divine rules to perfection after having freed yourself from conditioning, Life will give you everything you need, it’s your choice to take this step and to make this decision. However, if you have opened the Chakras and reactivated the Kundalini but you insist on living the usual routine without following your true Life purpose, you will be able to understand and experience only a third of the Magic we are talking about. 

There are many opportunities that aligns with the type of lifestyle you are seeking and that could help you lead to the freedom you always desired which will give you more time to dedicate to help others. 

These opportunities are available to those interested in a radical change of lifestyle and change of mindset as Via Maestra Path and business move ahead side to side being spirituality and materiality two faces of the same coin. 

The more you become aware, the more your business will grow and  moving finances for the right purpose will lead you to experience true happiness and alignment. 

The several opportunities we offer are all aimed at helping others. 

For further information, do not hesitate to contact us.